Words in Nepal’s new Constitution

First of all, congratulations to all the Nepalese around the world on the new constitution. This is a historic day for us all.

When I first got my hands on a copy of the new constitution of Nepal, I wanted to see what kind of words are repeated the most in it. I acknowledge that just because a word is repeated doesn’t necessarily mean it has a higher bearing in the constitution, but this exercise is fun, so bear with me.

The word Nepal is repeated 344 times and the word constitution is repeated 231 times in the new constitution of Nepal

I used Python with Jupyter for the analysis. The analysis was performed on the english translation found here.

First, I wanted to see what some of the most used words are, Here are some of the most repeated words. I removed articles and other non-consequential words.

Word Times Repeated
nepal 344
provincial 331
constitution 231
federal 225
provided 220
national 213
assembly 195
clause 177
government 177
chief 165
members 164
international 159

Nepal has been a male dominated society, so I wanted to see if the new constitution provides more rights to women. It definitely mentions women more than men, so maybe good news?

Word Times Repeated
woman 6
women 38
man 0
men 2
gender 14

Next, child poverty, child labor and lack of education has been plaguing Nepal for years, so lets see how often children are mentioned.

Word Times Repeated
child 17
children 6

Nepal is a country with majority Hindus, but the new constitution has declared Nepal as a secular nation. Lets see how words related to religion are repeated.

Word Times Repeated
religion(s) 14
hindu 0
muslim 1
christian 0
secular 1

Lastly some business related words

Word Times Repeated
currency 1
business 28
infrastructure 6

Thats all I did for now. If you have any corrections to make or suggestions on what you would like to see, feel free to email me at kisna72AT gmail. [gotta protect from the bots].


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